
Break the Plateau and Shred Weight by Dancing

Skybeat Dance can help you reach your weight loss goals, by providing fun, fast-paced, and unique dance classes every single week.

Let’s Reach Those Weight Loss Goals

We can help and you will have fun in the process of kick-starting your metabolism back into calorie-burning mode. A stall or a plateau is when your body stops responding to the diet and exercise plan you have been successfully following to lose weight.


Fitness for Everybody

Haven’t lost any weight? Many people experience this disparaging occurrence, even after hard work. It is because even the best diet and exercise plan will become “normal” to the body and what burned a ton of calories in the past will only get you by in the future. This is why it is so vital to spice up your routine. Try getting your heart pumping and re-kick start your metabolism and weight loss by dancing at Skybeat Dance


At Home. Judgement-Free.

When you come to our weight loss workouts leave worries and judgment behind and just have fun. The more you move the more calories your body will use. Dancing to lose weight is effective because although it can be challenging, it’s a workout that encourages you to have fun and communicate with your trainer to stay on point. Remember our classes are flexible and judgment-free. If you feel like one is too fast-paced, try another type, or take the tutorial videos or. There is no wrong way to improve your cardiovascular health and metabolism, As you grow to be more athletic, your ability to burn even more calories and target specific areas will improve. Sign up for your first class today.

 Dance your way to an optimal body. Unlimited classes for $9.99 a month



How Long is a Class?

Between 30 to 50mins. This is just enough time to warm up, have a blast, burn those calories, and cool back down. You can take as many classes as you like with the monthly or yearly plan.

How Often do Classes Meet?

Our online classes can be accessed anytime you have the desire to move your body. More information will be posted about future live offerings and about the times you can actually see coach Skyler Rodgers coach a group class or teach about fitness.

I’ve never danced before, I feel silly can I still join?

It’s normal to feel that way, but guess what? Everyone is
there for the same reason: to have fun and get fit. Through this website,
you can take classes in the privacy of your living room. There you are in the comfort of your own home receiving our quality classes.


How can dancing for weight loss help me restart after a stall?

Yes. If you have found that your hard efforts are simply not paying off anymore you may find a high-energy dance class is just what you need to increase your metabolic rate and your calorie burn.

Do weight loss workouts really kick-start your metabolism?

There are no guarantees, as each person is different, but weight loss workouts and practicing dancing exercises to lose weight can be effective for getting out of a weight-loss stall.


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